As introduced here, these Warm Recollections are random cullings from thirty years of notes files…
There is no point saying: ‘What is the point of you telling me all this?’ Them telling you all this is the point of them telling you all this. Utterance is sufficient motivation. This is not necessarily a bad thing, either. Being the person that someone wants to tell all this to is a pretty special position.
The thing is, I do get a kick out of champagne, and mere alcohol actually does in fact thrill me at all.
My higher power just doesn’t seem to be listening. It’s possible he or she or it may have their own problems, may have fallen off the metaphysical wagon, could at this moment be in a basement at Angels Anonymous smoking heavily and whining to some still-higher power in the hope of relieving the burden of his higher power-style ‘issues’. And then when he gets back home to his cloud, shagged out with trying to deal with, like, stuff, he finds an answering machine full of querulous messages from me. That’s going to be tough. And think what it must be like being the highest power of all. All bucks stop there. All those problems being handed up the ladder to land in your lap. The stress must be fucking unbelievable. And maybe that’s how the world is, a pyramidal hierarchy of powers, each more over-worked and depressed and run-down than the last… until you finally you get to the summit, the Big Guy with no-one to hand up to, and who’s given up and gone back on the booze. Maybe God isn’t an asshole after all. Maybe he isn’t dead. Maybe he’s just a cosmic derelict, cowering in an alley somewhere, smelling of cheap wine and piss, his hands clamped tight over his ears to shut out the endless barrage of supplication and prayer and death.
What an interesting phrase ‘despite himself’ is.
People paint to praise god. They write to ward off the devil. Why do they sing? Because we can.
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The way I’ve been taught so far at 56 is that the current Earth/ Universe is a very small part of existence. We come here to learn lessons, and experience emotions, because this is the only place we can do this. Human body design, evolution, hormones etc. make it possible.
Each living being is composed of several layers, animated by energy from the Universe which can be called your individual soul, spirit etc. I think there’s something in the Christian Bible Apocrypha about soul families having 144 members.
Reincarnation into each lifetime gives us the chance to create and choose our own reality, based on our own human senses, beliefs, family members, ancestors, environment etc. DNA is also encoded with our biological history so memories can get passed on through families.
All living beings are connected by this energy. If we choose to avoid learning specific lessons because they’re very painful, we return to the Source as beings of energy, with no body, and we are given more chances to learn by coming back again. The highest level of energy is pure Love, and the different energy vibrations we have as beings show up as the colours of the rainbow, which all have their own energy frequency.
The best way to achieve enlightenment is to heal the human ego, and practice giving love, kindness and compassion to all, beginning with ourselves, and not expecting anything in return. As a scientist and Reiki healer, I’ve found that being open to learning and trying to avoid judgement are extremely good for us. Hatred is pointless.
I love the fact that you trust me with this information and that you've chosen me to be your sounding board that can help you through this tough time. Just keep it fucking short, would you?
I have invested heavily in a whiskey company, red wine makes me feel very grown up and beer let's me think I can fight the world. I really miss drinking.
There is a sci-fi short story, I think by Asimov, about the world super computer that controls everything. It's purpose is to make people happy and secure. It culminates with a small child asking the computer what it wants for itself and it answers "I want to die"
Despite himself sends you down a great metaphysical rabbit hole😁
Apparently anthropologists are now arguing that singing came before speech.