As introduced here, these Warm Recollections are random cullings from thirty years of notes files…
One of the annoying things of our times is seeing people with head mikes delivering earnest, smug, sincere talks about something really fucking boring.
There’s no true believer like a non-believer.
A big difference between vampires and zombies is this: with vampires it’s the monster that’s interesting — we don’t care about the victims, except in that they’re about to become monsters. With zombies, we care about the potential victims, and not at all about the monsters. That’s why zombies are more suitable for soap opera and drama.
Stage 1 of growing up is knowing you have to keep your promises. Stage 7 is realizing not to make promises you won’t be able to keep. Stage 62 is being able to work out which is which.
Whims are as much a part of your character as habit. A whim is an occluded part of the soul, making its desires known. You don’t understand why, but there’s a deep appeal to what it suggests. You always act upon a whim, never reject it. You know that it’s important to some part of you… the shadow speaking.
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These are great! Thank you!
I’m very interested in your perspective on whims. This is the second time you’ve mentioned them. We have very different perspectives on whims and now you’ve got me re-evaluating.
I’ve had to handle my whims with deep skepticism. Some have utterly changed my life. I moved across the country on an utter whim and my whole life was different. But others got me into trouble. Interrogating a whim sort of defeats the point, but living an impetuous life becomes tedious in its own way.
Fun list here! Following whims might have risks, but so can following things that make “perfect” sense.
One of my kids’ high school English teachers once told them that what they liked best about them was that they didn’t follow instructions. I really appreciated that teacher. We don’t want to live in a world where everyone does as they’re told.