GREAT MOVIE!!! Will be delighted to watch it again! THANKS!!!

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Isn't it great? I was delighted to discover it was out there to be watched... and it stands up INCREDIBLY well...

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Will be watching tomorrow (sat). I've never seen an actual programme or movie type thing on YouTube before but now I've got a magic whojamaflip that let's me put YouTube on my tellybox. Amazing!

Check out my magnificent performance on YouTube on The Chase. Gareth and Emma 30/09/19 the chase 😉

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I am intrigued, but can't seem to find that specific episode! Do you have a link???

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I've no idea if I've done that right and also may have overegged the excitement somewhat😅

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Just watched it and now I'm going to have my first drink in 8 months😆 I haven't seen about 95% of the films mentioned and I'm not a great horror fan particularly but my ever loving wife does love a horror!

My squeamishness I think stems from a feeling of helplessness, a feeling of lack of control over your own fate. The Last House on the Left looks like it would be a horrible watch!

I used to run security for the Welsh International Film Festival and they showed a film called Man Bites Dog. I don't know if it's classed as a horror but it is definitely the scariest film I've ever seen. Again it is the thought of power being taken out of your hands while those around you suffer. It's also another surprisingly prescient film, with its musings on how easy it can be to be drawn into the subject you began viewing objectively and then be subsumed by it.

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I've somehow never seen MAN BITES DOG, but I gather it's quite an experience. And yeah, I've avoided LAST HOUSE too — which by all accounts is just nasty. But you're right, that feeling of shambling inexorably into chaos while control of your life and future is yanked away from you... that's what those films do, and that's how the world feels sometimes at the moment...

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It was interesting to see the directors talking about other directors. I'm a BIG John Carpenter fan but I was especially taken with Tom Savini. Didn't really know anything about him but what an engaging bloke!

We're you appropriately impressed by my Chase performance😂 The Sinnerman was on fire😰

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Yes, Savini is a smart and interesting guy... and has directed some very decent horror himself.

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