The bad guys on one of my favorite TV shows are known as The Cluster. Now that I know the meaning of the word, it makes sense why the creator picked that for a name.
You know we do actually have a cabal of like-minded Scorpios? We meet bi-monthly to plot out the the next storyline in what you sweetly think of as ‘your’ life 😘
Yeah but, people born under the sign of Scorpio don’t believe in all that astrology stuff. (Nov 7). At least, that’s what the people in my Karass think.
Happy Thanksgiving, Michael! I'm going to side with Paula on pretty much the entire astrological bit. In astrology, a cluster of planets in a person's chart is known as a stellium. It can be quite powerful in how it manifests in a person's life. Also, it can make that person spectacularly annoying. Incidentally, Neil has a stellium of Scorpio planets in his 5th house, if memory serves, which rules creativity. Taurus dominates his 11th house, which rules friendship. (I know all this because he and I a very long time ago when we first met worked out his actual birth time and cast his chart.) I pay attention to clusters of most types because they fascinate me.
Huh. That's actually very interesting, and clusters are quite fascinating. I've often noticed that (in my life, at least) co-incidences cluster, too. No idea what that means, but...
They do. I went through a particularly heavy period of synchronicities. So many that, every time one happened, I'd say "YAST!" (Yet Another Synchronistic Thing) I think Jung has something to say about that. Despite all my "woo," I can't say I know what that means, either, though.
Clusters of births in November are easily explained by people getting cold in February and having to snuggle for warmth.
Actually, in the UK at least, the latter half of September and first few days of October are the most – popular feels like totally the wrong word – most common days to be born. I guess people get very cold over Christmas and New Year.
I too am a Scorpio and experienced clusters of black belts within Martial Arts - 11 out of 12 of us were Scorpio at our dojo. I postulate the nature to strive comes from either being in a group who are always the eldest in school, dealing with Winter as a newborn or just escaping folk who like to encapsulate your character and place you on the Scorpio shelf forever... "That's because you're a Scorpio..."... No, it's because you're a ....
Ha :-) Yes, that elder child thing is probably a factor too... and I'd never thought about the weather thing. Interesting how many dynamics operate at once there...
I know this guy who goes by MMS (emphasis on mess). When I say know, I mean we have a kind of correspondence relationship. Not pen pals exactly. He writes and I read. From what he writes I’ve become a pretty shrewd judge of his character.
First off, he’s not an alcoholic. Most of the time. He drives fast and too close to the edge for comfort when he corners around sheer drops. It’s not comfort he’s looking for, it’s the thrill it gives him when he knows the blue lights would have his licence the second he wound down his window and gave them a sniff.
Second, a bit of weed from time to time but nothing tastier than that. Unless. But that’s all I’m saying, you get me?
He obviously likes women. Damn straight (if you see what I mean). But there’s always a bit of mess there. Either some evil being (not necessarily of the human variety) has offed her in a particularly messy way or he’s messed up their relationship by going over the edge one time too many and she’s off with someone less unreliable or with no one at all. Just taken the kid and lit out one night while he was nursing a few beers and grievances.
From that I deduce he was married once a long time ago. It didn’t work out - probably his fault for getting into one too many bar fights. He’s probably got a grown up kid who despises him but he still hopes that one day … no, forget about it, it’s never going to happen.
He says he’s handy with his fists but I’m not so sure. Claims familiarity with various small arms and the occasional rifle. Again, he could just have read up on that stuff. But one thing I know for sure, he’s never found a woman he could think about settling down with and he’s got a pretty mangey monkey on his back, makes him keep looking over his shoulder and seeing some weird bogeyman types.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading his stuff. But inside this fella’s head, it’s not a place you’d want to be.
Seriously though ... Your ability to inhabit other lives reminds me of Bruce Springsteen writing insightful songs that speak to the lives of blue collar workers while admitting he's never done a day's labour in his life. As he said: "That's how good I am!"
The bad guys on one of my favorite TV shows are known as The Cluster. Now that I know the meaning of the word, it makes sense why the creator picked that for a name.
You know we do actually have a cabal of like-minded Scorpios? We meet bi-monthly to plot out the the next storyline in what you sweetly think of as ‘your’ life 😘
Typical Capricorns 😉
This feels absolutely credible to me.
And my birthday is 20 November. Just to add to your cluster…..
Yeah but, people born under the sign of Scorpio don’t believe in all that astrology stuff. (Nov 7). At least, that’s what the people in my Karass think.
Scorpion women don’t tolerate boring sex 😉
Good one. Let’s just say they’re not vanilla 😊
So it would appear <sigh>
Still loving your writing, thoughts and prose, and totally agree with you on the horoscope angle (being a Taurean!)
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! (from someone who doesn't really know what it's all about).
All the best
Thank you, Maggie!
Happy Thanksgiving, Michael! I'm going to side with Paula on pretty much the entire astrological bit. In astrology, a cluster of planets in a person's chart is known as a stellium. It can be quite powerful in how it manifests in a person's life. Also, it can make that person spectacularly annoying. Incidentally, Neil has a stellium of Scorpio planets in his 5th house, if memory serves, which rules creativity. Taurus dominates his 11th house, which rules friendship. (I know all this because he and I a very long time ago when we first met worked out his actual birth time and cast his chart.) I pay attention to clusters of most types because they fascinate me.
Huh. That's actually very interesting, and clusters are quite fascinating. I've often noticed that (in my life, at least) co-incidences cluster, too. No idea what that means, but...
They do. I went through a particularly heavy period of synchronicities. So many that, every time one happened, I'd say "YAST!" (Yet Another Synchronistic Thing) I think Jung has something to say about that. Despite all my "woo," I can't say I know what that means, either, though.
We have a cluster of friends & family in April / May too - 13 birthdays within 3 weeks! There must be something in it!
It's a conspiracy, mark my words.
Clusters of births in November are easily explained by people getting cold in February and having to snuggle for warmth.
Actually, in the UK at least, the latter half of September and first few days of October are the most – popular feels like totally the wrong word – most common days to be born. I guess people get very cold over Christmas and New Year.
I've heard that, though apparently here August is now the most popular month...
Happy Thanksgiving Michael!
I too am a Scorpio and experienced clusters of black belts within Martial Arts - 11 out of 12 of us were Scorpio at our dojo. I postulate the nature to strive comes from either being in a group who are always the eldest in school, dealing with Winter as a newborn or just escaping folk who like to encapsulate your character and place you on the Scorpio shelf forever... "That's because you're a Scorpio..."... No, it's because you're a ....
Ha :-) Yes, that elder child thing is probably a factor too... and I'd never thought about the weather thing. Interesting how many dynamics operate at once there...
I know this guy who goes by MMS (emphasis on mess). When I say know, I mean we have a kind of correspondence relationship. Not pen pals exactly. He writes and I read. From what he writes I’ve become a pretty shrewd judge of his character.
First off, he’s not an alcoholic. Most of the time. He drives fast and too close to the edge for comfort when he corners around sheer drops. It’s not comfort he’s looking for, it’s the thrill it gives him when he knows the blue lights would have his licence the second he wound down his window and gave them a sniff.
Second, a bit of weed from time to time but nothing tastier than that. Unless. But that’s all I’m saying, you get me?
He obviously likes women. Damn straight (if you see what I mean). But there’s always a bit of mess there. Either some evil being (not necessarily of the human variety) has offed her in a particularly messy way or he’s messed up their relationship by going over the edge one time too many and she’s off with someone less unreliable or with no one at all. Just taken the kid and lit out one night while he was nursing a few beers and grievances.
From that I deduce he was married once a long time ago. It didn’t work out - probably his fault for getting into one too many bar fights. He’s probably got a grown up kid who despises him but he still hopes that one day … no, forget about it, it’s never going to happen.
He says he’s handy with his fists but I’m not so sure. Claims familiarity with various small arms and the occasional rifle. Again, he could just have read up on that stuff. But one thing I know for sure, he’s never found a woman he could think about settling down with and he’s got a pretty mangey monkey on his back, makes him keep looking over his shoulder and seeing some weird bogeyman types.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading his stuff. But inside this fella’s head, it’s not a place you’d want to be.
You have just summed up all of my fiction and 90% of my character in one comment. Which is KIND OF SCARY :-)
Seriously though ... Your ability to inhabit other lives reminds me of Bruce Springsteen writing insightful songs that speak to the lives of blue collar workers while admitting he's never done a day's labour in his life. As he said: "That's how good I am!"
Ha :-) Well I'm not THAT good ;-)