It is. The management company that was supposed to operate and fix it didn't, and it's had some downtime while they figured out what to do with it, but the City and Port took it over and recently reopened it for tours. Hopefully it's coming back to full strength soon.
Excellent :-)
That was what dropped into my head first, and the rest of the story built out from there... ;-)
Excellent work.
Reminds me of a night on Sam Smiths Tadcaster Ale, followed by an unwise doner kebab decision.
Ha ;-)
Good sh1t!👍
I see what you did there.
Loved it. Also, set in my city on my boat!
It's a fun boat :)
It is. The management company that was supposed to operate and fix it didn't, and it's had some downtime while they figured out what to do with it, but the City and Port took it over and recently reopened it for tours. Hopefully it's coming back to full strength soon.
Coprathanatophobia! !!
That's a weird and beautiful word.
Totally necrofaeco!
I wish my grandsons were little again so that I could read them this story. I would have been awarded many Granny points.
Ha :-)
Brilliant. Loved it. Fantastic ending.
Excellent - thank you! And how the devil are you, by the way?
I'm really well, Mike. It's been way too long.
Very helpful ekhm with the iron-supplementation-related constipation 🙂🙂🙂