USD 57 to send to Australia! Going to have to find a friendly American to send it to and keep for me until I next go to that part of the world. Maybe I could justify the shipping if it was a signed copy...?
MMS ditto to the other comments re shipping. For aussies, you should try Booktopia - shipping for $9.90. The book price is doubled (as no subscriber discount) but still works out at half the overall amount.
Well. I already have this deliciously weighty time. My timing really does Hoover.
I'm sorry about that, but you have done the Lord's work for both writer and publisher. Thank you.
Tome, damned autocorrect!
I would love to but the cheapest UK shipping is over $48!!!
Ugh, sorry.
Ugh, sorry about that. The cost of international mailing from the US is *insane*.
I’ll send it to a friend in LA. I’ll be there next month 😇
USD 57 to send to Australia! Going to have to find a friendly American to send it to and keep for me until I next go to that part of the world. Maybe I could justify the shipping if it was a signed copy...?
Same for me 🤨 shipping from the US is crazy atm. Twice the cost of the book makes it a none starter.
MMS ditto to the other comments re shipping. For aussies, you should try Booktopia - shipping for $9.90. The book price is doubled (as no subscriber discount) but still works out at half the overall amount.
Hmm. Good tip...
Great offer but can't justify the shopping cost, which is very frustrating.
That's a pain. Sorry...
I am fortunate enough to already have this book of treasures, thanks to my wonderful son.
He sounds like an extremely good child.
Already have it (cue smug face)
Cheers for the offer, much appreciated but I already have the two book, slip-cased edition sitting proudly on the bookcase ☺️
Nice - and thank you!
I guess I should have waited :) , but I'm not clairvoyant I'm a very happy owner of this great collection
I'm glad to hear that — thank you!
He is and has good taste in authors like his mum 😊
Brilliant offer and would love to oen this, but the cost of $50 to ship from the US to UK is frustratingly poor
Yeah, I'm bummed about that... mailing costs from here are prohibitive. I'll talk to Bill and see if we can figure something out...