I won't lie I ever expected to see rammstein in the list. A nice mix of styles is always a good choice and I to like sneaking in a heavy track or 3 while zoning out with a play list.
Exactly. It's like that slice of ginger when eating sushi. Wakes the senses up again. I'm not generally allowed to do party playlists in my house because it's all over the place in terms of vibe ;-)
Hahaha, very much the same in my house too! It's either too heavy, too fast, depressing or weird. It's not my fault I wanna listen to a video game soundtrack from 1987, its awesome! And then yes some Metallica followed by lady gaga then Bach. I like to be challenged. Ive also been banned from playing any Tori Amos! She's depressing and weird. I don't get women sometimes, really I don't.
On the basis that ‘all art aspires to music’, I never design stuff without it. I’m perhaps hoping that some of that ‘art’ will bleed through and make me better (or more accurately less bad). I tend to go with soundtracks, because I find they are good at mood setting… a particular favourite is Goblin's Zombi.
Wow Rammstein came out of the blue there, but one I use for 'focus time' too. Am going to have to send you off to listen to Snail Mail, Syd Matters, and Sufjan Stevens; some of which might float your boat too.
Describing your favourite music to people who don't know you is like describing your dreams 😆
From the incredibly little I know about you through this post, check out Ukrainian band Dhaka Braka, violinist Kishi Bashi and my current faves Beta Radio. They all have done excellent live sets on KEXP, who seem to get some indie magic on their station.
I kind of lose the lyrics myself when I'm driving through Boston. I have a playlist called 'Driving Music.' It's filled with jazzy metal fusion. Some of my favorites are Exivious, Sithu Aye, and Arch Echo. You have a good list. I'll be listening to those today in my truck. Here's a few from me.
My late-diagnosed ASD/ADHD brain could often end up going down rabbit holes of work play-list choices, so I have fallen in with listening to Youtube tracks of "brown noise" which work well to gently tickle and soothe the fringes of my grey matter. These tracks are often processed recordings or rain and thunderstorms.
When said over-active brain threatens sleep, I find a playlist of slow central movements from Mozart piano concertos lures my brain to follow it down an interesting path and lay it down gently.
Thank you! I did and do have ideas for another book in the series, but got sidetracked into other things... and for the last four years it's been in TV development, so I've held fire on those grounds... but it's certainly possible!
I will! And yes, songs with lyrics in a language I can't immediately parse are great — because you get the "song" of it, without having the meaning derailing whatever it is you're trying to do. I listen to a bunch of French and German songs because of that... the mood comes through. Haven't heard Lacrimosa - will check them out, thank you!
I won't lie I ever expected to see rammstein in the list. A nice mix of styles is always a good choice and I to like sneaking in a heavy track or 3 while zoning out with a play list.
Exactly. It's like that slice of ginger when eating sushi. Wakes the senses up again. I'm not generally allowed to do party playlists in my house because it's all over the place in terms of vibe ;-)
Hahaha, very much the same in my house too! It's either too heavy, too fast, depressing or weird. It's not my fault I wanna listen to a video game soundtrack from 1987, its awesome! And then yes some Metallica followed by lady gaga then Bach. I like to be challenged. Ive also been banned from playing any Tori Amos! She's depressing and weird. I don't get women sometimes, really I don't.
I’m in Sales, so I’m definitely gonna listen to that one later. Thanks
Ha - it's perfect for that ;-)
On the basis that ‘all art aspires to music’, I never design stuff without it. I’m perhaps hoping that some of that ‘art’ will bleed through and make me better (or more accurately less bad). I tend to go with soundtracks, because I find they are good at mood setting… a particular favourite is Goblin's Zombi.
I do like music when I'm doing design, actually...
I used to have Radio 4 on in the background, but I ended up shouting whenever a politician was interviewed!
Wow Rammstein came out of the blue there, but one I use for 'focus time' too. Am going to have to send you off to listen to Snail Mail, Syd Matters, and Sufjan Stevens; some of which might float your boat too.
Excellent, thank you — I'll go have a listen!
Describing your favourite music to people who don't know you is like describing your dreams 😆
From the incredibly little I know about you through this post, check out Ukrainian band Dhaka Braka, violinist Kishi Bashi and my current faves Beta Radio. They all have done excellent live sets on KEXP, who seem to get some indie magic on their station.
Have you done desert Island discs yet?
Not yet :-) And thank you for the recommends!
They're going to make a TV show on it - great, will definitely watch. And would like to see another installment in the series
I kind of lose the lyrics myself when I'm driving through Boston. I have a playlist called 'Driving Music.' It's filled with jazzy metal fusion. Some of my favorites are Exivious, Sithu Aye, and Arch Echo. You have a good list. I'll be listening to those today in my truck. Here's a few from me.
Excellent, thank you — I'll check them out!
My late-diagnosed ASD/ADHD brain could often end up going down rabbit holes of work play-list choices, so I have fallen in with listening to Youtube tracks of "brown noise" which work well to gently tickle and soothe the fringes of my grey matter. These tracks are often processed recordings or rain and thunderstorms.
When said over-active brain threatens sleep, I find a playlist of slow central movements from Mozart piano concertos lures my brain to follow it down an interesting path and lay it down gently.
I've used nature sounds like that often, too. And even cafe sounds. Haven't tried brown noise... I'll give it a go!
But, your own words fit music so well? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnCzMtUt9nM
Thanks for another great post!
Hey, are you ever going to do another book in the Straw Men series? I thought they were very good.
Thank you! I did and do have ideas for another book in the series, but got sidetracked into other things... and for the last four years it's been in TV development, so I've held fire on those grounds... but it's certainly possible!
That's good :-) And thank you!
I will! And yes, songs with lyrics in a language I can't immediately parse are great — because you get the "song" of it, without having the meaning derailing whatever it is you're trying to do. I listen to a bunch of French and German songs because of that... the mood comes through. Haven't heard Lacrimosa - will check them out, thank you!