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Sep 7, 2023
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Thank you :-)

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Sep 6, 2023
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You're right — there should be a Halloween special ;-)

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The Great Molasses Flood. January 15, 1919.

21 people swept away. 150 injured. Boston. Imagine looking down the street and seeing THAT coming your way.

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Yes, I'd heard of that... it sounds very bad in a very weird way.

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So, with that in mind. I worked for a county in Florida. Drove the tractors that mowed the side of highways and backroads. I worked with someone named Buster. He drove a dump truck. He got off work, settled into his trailer, joint in one hand, can of beer in the other. He hears the sound a train. Now, he knows that he doesn’t live that close to the train tracks. Gets up, looks out the window in time to see a tornado heading right towards him. Sits back down in his lazy boy chair, takes a puff and a drink. Next thing he knows, down the street, still in the fn chair AND holding the beer. Old southern saying, what do rednecks and tornado have in common? Sooner or later, they both end up in trailer parks. True story.

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Kind of a sticky situation to find oneself in...

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January in Boston...it couldn't have been moving that fast - right?

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LOL yeah, does feel like there might have been a chance to get away ;-)

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We might need a short story collection with these stories!

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I'm trying to think of a way of doing it ;-)

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Sounds like a fun project! It will be very interesting! A short story collection with a connection:)

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You make it seem so easy!

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Ha :-) Anything fun feels easy...

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I am glad that I don't live in Santa Cruz! My small town in Wales is scary enough and it has a wide range of colours in daily life!

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I've barely scratched the surface of the weirdness here ;-)

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Well it is certainly an appropriate place for an active imagination.

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Hi, Michael!

I really like travelling. I have really experienced so many ways to travel. This with the pyramids I missed. I absolutely have to try it.

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Wouldn't that be fun?

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I hope The Fourlorn are finally at rest and that Elizabeth Trelawney remembered to pack plenty of pup kibble and water in the pyramid. Gosh, I sure root for the neglected old souls of Santa Cruz!

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Thank you for doing so :-)

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I am enjoying these a ridiculous amount. They seem to make much more sense than reality.

Have you considered making/getting them made into an interactive map app, or maybe even a mobile phone artificial reality tour? Sort of like Pokemon Go on acid - wander round with Santa Cruz with the app and when your phone chimes, look through the viewfinder and see into this strange history.

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Ooh, that's a fabulous idea. The app is beyond me, but an interactive map might be possible...

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Could always waggle an eyebrow at Santa Cruz tourism department and see if they give you money and a technical boy to make the app. Then have him code an easy to use content upload system so you can add updates whenever you want, and sell it on to all the authors so EVERYWHERE can be spooky and weird.

Though I prefer the map as Santa Cruz is far, and I wanna see!

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Woah, I love that idea!

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I so love these stories. It’s the little things: “with her dog, Buster”.

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Glad you like them :-) I enjoy doing them precisely because of the little details that pop into my head!

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They are so illuminating, and change the visual narrative.

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Your turn to feed Mary this holiday season!

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Careful — with your cooking, she might decide to stay ;-) Hope you guys are well: we just got back from the Boulder trip yesterday. Hope to see you very soon!

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I'm actually secretly hoping she might show up.

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Careful what you wish for ;-)

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There may be ;-)

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absolutely loved this series

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Thanks J :-)

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The AI for Henry’s story is beautiful. Btw, I’m glad to see you here. I’m feral.flutter and finally quit Twitter and miss my tweeps. Look forward to more Santa Cruz deep lore.

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Ah, hello there! I'm still sticking out out on Twitter but the numbers of the people to hang out with are dwindling... very nice to see you here!

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Construction on my pyramid to begin soon.


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If you get one working, send me the plans.

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