Or maybe it was just ‘A vision in a dream’?

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Nah, that was the Olivia Newton-John song, wasn't it? :P

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That's what they all say. Tell it to the judge, sonny.

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There is a school of thought that you are not the first to notice this, but a young writer and journalist named Thomas De Quincey also knew, and wrote, challenging Coleridge in newspapers of the day, however opium addiction rendered his words as unbelievable. He did however write often about Coleridge, including in Confessions of an English Opium Eater (1821).

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I shall email this De Quincey character and see what he knows. Thank you.

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Coleridge's early years are poorly documented in some respects, but it is known that in his youth he associated with a fellow student, Albert Ross, who died in unusual circumstances...

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OMG THIS IS GOLD thank you

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Have you been to the village of Watchet, the village that supposedly inspired the poem? It’s an odd little place with a vast history, considering its size and location, where the odd murder would be unnoticed and could easily be blamed on sea fowl and magic or involve bad beer and antiques, there’s lots of antiques.

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I have not, but shall voyage there as soon as I am released. Thank you for the tip.

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Douglas Adams knows the truth ;)

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While we're at it, let's investigate Coleridge's death, yes? There's this American fella called Edgar, maybe he ratiocinated the whole thing and got rid of the poet/serialkiller, burying his heart under the floorboards or walling him in, like in a cellar full of salpetre? I'm totally getting his vibe in YOUR telling of the story, starting with "Through a combination of circumstances I can’t now recall" ... that sounds suspiciously Poe-esque. Hmmm.

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This had not occurred to me and feels like a ripe further avenue of investigation. Many thanks.

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Thanks for the laughter. I needed it. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner....ugh. I couldn't make myself to read it from the beginning to end. Now, with your theory, I just might 😀

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Please do. It's possible I have missed some vital clue. It's written in quite old-timey writing at times.

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I have read that Coleridge was a heavy drug user and I suspect that he's not the only one. By the way, have you perused Iron Maiden's interpretation of this work?

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I have not! But the victims of Jack the Ripper were all maidens, in the sense of being ladies, and iron had definitely been discovered at that time, so this may be of direct relevance. I shall dive deeper. Many thanks.

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Is there any evidence that visitor who interrupted him halfway through Kubla Khan ever made it back to Porlock? The timeline checks out, and he definitely had motive and opportunity. I'd start there.

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This is brilliant, and exactly what I was hoping for. Another person/bird that nobody else saw — that can hardly be a co-incidence. Nor can the fact that with just one more K, Coleridge would clearly have been referencing a well-known racist organization, an obvious dog whistle. Thank you.

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yeah nah perfect rebuttal/retelling for the tictokers; also, what the hey a dead bird at sea.

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I think you may be spending too much time trying to understand the MAGA conspiracy theories. This sounds unsettlingly like a screed from Marjorie Taylor Greene. But Biden is not old enough to blame... maybe his great grandfather was involved?

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There is plenty of evidence that Psycho Joe is a time traveler. Don't pretend otherwise.

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Look, if you just want someone to go to the pub with you only have to say so.

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I very very much want to go to the pub but all the doors are locked.

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Of the pub, or your home? Are you locked out or locked in?

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I am working on smuggling a key to Professor Smith, our esteemed historian and cultural scholar. As for the exact method of transport of said key, it's perhaps best not to ask.

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Thank you, sir. History will judge you kindly. Unlike some of those other bastards out there.

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LMAO "Old times Cancel Culture" is my new favorite catch phrase. Thanks for that!

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;-) You are very welcome...

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I was set this bloody poem for my GCSE English Lit exam. If only I'd interpreted it in this fashion I might have got myself the coveted U grade.

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It's better that you didn't reveal you knew the Truth.

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I laughed. Then I laughed. And then I laughed again. And so on.

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I hope you were listening to Iron Maiden rendering of this while you came up with this theory…?

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I am not allowed to listen to "Heavy Metals" while I am here because it is "too stimulating". OR SO THEY CLAIM.

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Coleridge was an opium addict- maybe he killed them under the influence?

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I'm sure that would be his "excuse".

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