Feb 21Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

You got my take on ballet nailed perfectly - not that I've ever had to go watch a whole one. I consider the bits I've ever seen on telly sufficient warning.

Sometimes I like listening to the music alone though - that can be pretty damn good sometimes.

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Feb 21Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

I really love this idea and it's no nice to read these snippets you've collected. Looking forward to more.

I have a similar folder I call 'Found Things', which is basically anything my brain randomly yurks up as I go through this life.

Some choice items are:

"John the tall baby." (No idea)

"Children and old people both know things, I think, for this reason." (No idea what the reason is)

"The Following Man." (Who is he? I don't know but I don't want to meet him)

"Sometimes they hug me so tight they leave bruises."

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I like those, particularly the one about whims!

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Feb 21Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

this is a great idea. loved "the ballet" and "Transactions" .... bit disturbed by "Haunt your own life".

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Feb 21Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

That second one was one hell of a thing to read before I had my coffee.

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Feb 21Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

I like these, and your plan for sharing more of them. I will forever disagree with you on that last one, though ;) People's dreams and coincidences and the treasures they are pulled to are, like their whims, an expression of a facet of inner life that the person might not even know themselves or would never likely communicate directly, so while the raw data might not seem interesting, the specific way in which someone interprets it and injects it with meaning can be fascinating.

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Feb 21Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

I have little notes like this, too. Periodically I transcribe them into other notebooks.

I love ballet and you are correct about all those Russian warhorses!

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Feb 21Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

I often sit outside our local beach side pubs and cafes, slowly sipping local brews, reading a first edition of À la recherche du temps perdu (in English, weirdly... that's ebay for ya) and watching the vast menagerie of human life pass by, whilst smoking insouciantly and feeling as dapper as a 1 shit Dan in a 3 shit waistcoat...

My wife says I look like an absolute twat...

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Feb 22Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

Ballet and Bollywood movies have a lot in common…

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I love this. Thank you.

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Feb 25Liked by Michael Marshall Smith

I've only been to a ballet once and was surprised by how much noise is actually made by the dancers. You think it's all floaty light but it's crashy thumpy

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