That's a great metaphor for emotions.

I quit smoking 25ish years ago, but I never really kicked the desire. I wonder sometimes at what age I can take it back up because I'm close enough to dying anyway.

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Ha :-) I've kicked it during the day, kinda, but not in the evenings... yet.

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Why did the infinite number of Japanese tourists cross the road?

To get to Hilbert's Hotel.

I started smoking at 21. I'm fed up with It now. Love your description of it😁

I once got so drunk in Hull, after arriving that morning, that I proposed to a girl in a nightclub, sang on a table to the bouncers at closing time, walked two miles to my mates house and caught him in bed with his housemates infatuation, then threw up all over his kitchen. Damn, how heroic was I to get back there?😇

Never been worried about flying but what you mention would be a nice way to go at any time!

What a great way to describe emotions. A difficult job is like herding emotions😁 yup, they're pretty much interchangeable!

"This also shall pass away" FitzGerald

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I've been smoking since I was 15 so it's really not easy to give up... though I have cut down at least. Jesus — that evening in Hull sounds fucking EPIC.

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I think I could tell you were a smoker, judging by Hap and Stark at al😁 My work is very physical and I love my martial arts but I sound like Wheezy McHacking Cough-Face if I get out of bed too quick now!

I made so many friends that night in Hull. Then lost them all a few hours later🤔

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Giving up smoking is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. I’ve given up 8 years ago because I couldn’t afford it anymore. Took 2 courses of medication (3 months) and a million tantrums.

I believe I was a cat in a previous life.

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Ha :-) Yeah, it's not easy. I have got as far as only vaping during the day... but it's been two years now. Time for the next step... soon ;-)

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I like the one about emotions, which comes as no surprise to anyone. Maybe mine are hoard-y little raccoons :)

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Ooh, raccoons is a good idea... hiding up in the attack and sneaking down in the night...

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