I Love yours pearls of wisdom. Often they definitely resonate and feel like “ I thought of them too”.
-Knowing you're 60 years old and feeling childish is the same as the feeling of being buried alive.
-An inability to evaluate the expected time for boarding the flight, linked above all to security process (recently extended enormously) and the variability of the journey to the airport - leads me to arrive at the airport enormously early too.
I'm assuming playing three dimensional chess with pieces made of mercury is an unpleasant experience? Also possibly fatal?
I'm now the oldest guy on a building site filled with baby faced young tradesmen and women. I fucking hate it! Even when I show how cool and groovy I am when I chat with the young people about the hip and happening trends of the moment, I still feel old. Tru dat!
My identity amongst family now consists of being called Grandad. I bloody love it! Although over a number of years I've Pavlovianly trained my grandchildren to also add "best grandad ever". I think I deserve it.
My brother and I were at boarding school for 3yrs when we were young army brats. We had to go from Liverpool to Gutersloh via Luton airport on our own. We would have been around 8 or 9 years old. We would worry about being late for the plane. This would happen sometimes but they ALWAYS held the plane for us. Walking on to the plane to take our seats as furious adults gazed with undisguised hostility at us was something of a gauntlet😁
I *love* the idea of a plane being held for me. Now. At 8... maybe not ;-) Best grandad ever sounds well-deserved. I hope for that accolade but fear I have a while to wait. May we be, in the meantime, forever young.
I Love yours pearls of wisdom. Often they definitely resonate and feel like “ I thought of them too”.
-Knowing you're 60 years old and feeling childish is the same as the feeling of being buried alive.
-An inability to evaluate the expected time for boarding the flight, linked above all to security process (recently extended enormously) and the variability of the journey to the airport - leads me to arrive at the airport enormously early too.
Glad you like them :-) I suspect a lot of think and feel some of the same things... and it's good to notice them, sometimes.
I'm assuming playing three dimensional chess with pieces made of mercury is an unpleasant experience? Also possibly fatal?
I'm now the oldest guy on a building site filled with baby faced young tradesmen and women. I fucking hate it! Even when I show how cool and groovy I am when I chat with the young people about the hip and happening trends of the moment, I still feel old. Tru dat!
My identity amongst family now consists of being called Grandad. I bloody love it! Although over a number of years I've Pavlovianly trained my grandchildren to also add "best grandad ever". I think I deserve it.
My brother and I were at boarding school for 3yrs when we were young army brats. We had to go from Liverpool to Gutersloh via Luton airport on our own. We would have been around 8 or 9 years old. We would worry about being late for the plane. This would happen sometimes but they ALWAYS held the plane for us. Walking on to the plane to take our seats as furious adults gazed with undisguised hostility at us was something of a gauntlet😁
I *love* the idea of a plane being held for me. Now. At 8... maybe not ;-) Best grandad ever sounds well-deserved. I hope for that accolade but fear I have a while to wait. May we be, in the meantime, forever young.
JFC first and last just summed me up. Damn you.
Ha :)