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Dec 4
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True. And traditional Christians *almost* get that when they say "God is love".

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That bit about liminal spaces….. like the forest at the edge of the sea: it’s like our minds can’t cope with the abrupt shift, we expect a transition from one state to another, an airlock in which to acclimatise to the new thing. But the world, and life, isn’t really like that. You can be putzing along in one state, quite content, and be abruptly shunted into another without a by-your-leave.

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Very true. And it's why people often arrive in a room and forget why they went in there: apparently it's a real psychological thing, caused by crossing a threshold or boundary... the brain resets, and may lose a thought it had in the previous place.

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Really! How interesting and … kinda cool? Thresholds as portals to other universes or timelines or whatever. Maybe this is why cats, such curiously intelligent and otherworldly creatures, at times, are so crepuscular - always sitting in doorways, sometimes in, sometimes out, sometimes literally on the threshold. Do they know, or see, something/time/where that we don’t, although we suspect it may be there?

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"Sweet Summer Rain. Like God's own mercy."

O Brother Where art Thou. Just always loved that line.

Perhaps atheists are disappointed people to their core🤔

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