Last night, I spent the evening sitting between Harry Turtledove and Barbara Hambly, listening to them talk about their first novels, their writing careers, and various travails. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better Christmas Eve. I hope your holiday is warm and lovely, Michael!
Merry Christmas to you and yours! (and Season's Greetings to all of your Substack readers too 😁). Thanks for all of the Warm Recollections of 2024. Looking forward to more next year. Cheers! x
Love the life autocorrect. While acknowledging that autocorrect will frequently suggest completely the wrong word for the sense of what I was trying to type. Sometimes truly bizarre words I would never think to use. These prompts from the wings may be terrible ideas, or interesting diversions, or things I would never do. Great idea!
I enjoy reading these so much. To offer up a completely frivolous response to your carefully crafted thoughts, your note on psychological discomfort rang very true. And the quote that always comes to mind when I think of psychological discomfort is from one of my all-time favourites, Clueless: “I had an overwhelming sense of ickiness.”
These icky moments are the times when I'm forced to acknowledge I don't *know* myself. Becoming older, you learn to know your body very thoroughly. But your mind and its workings? Not so very much I would say. In fact I'm increasingly happy lately NOT to know. Let it stay Darkest Peru in there please, icky as it undoubtedly is.
And to you — hope you're having a good one :-)
Hi Michael! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hey Pat — and to you and yours!
"Maybe we should let ourselves misspell our own lives sometimes if that’s what makes sense for us."
Sorry, this is mine now.
I was only borrowing it from you ;-)
See, you get it.
Last night, I spent the evening sitting between Harry Turtledove and Barbara Hambly, listening to them talk about their first novels, their writing careers, and various travails. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better Christmas Eve. I hope your holiday is warm and lovely, Michael!
Thank you — and the same for you!
Merry Christmas to you too, and to all your family
And to you and yours!
Merry Christmas to you and yours! (and Season's Greetings to all of your Substack readers too 😁). Thanks for all of the Warm Recollections of 2024. Looking forward to more next year. Cheers! x
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Love the life autocorrect. While acknowledging that autocorrect will frequently suggest completely the wrong word for the sense of what I was trying to type. Sometimes truly bizarre words I would never think to use. These prompts from the wings may be terrible ideas, or interesting diversions, or things I would never do. Great idea!
I'm fascinated by the idea of "whims"... the way they're acknowledged as being ours, and yet somehow... coming from somewhere else...
Oh yes! Brilliant. I don’t think our brains and consciousness and the whole package of body and mind and being, work quite the way we think they do!
Ciao, Michael!!
Merry, Merry Christmas!!!!!
And to you — hope you're having a good one!
Thank you.
I enjoy reading these so much. To offer up a completely frivolous response to your carefully crafted thoughts, your note on psychological discomfort rang very true. And the quote that always comes to mind when I think of psychological discomfort is from one of my all-time favourites, Clueless: “I had an overwhelming sense of ickiness.”
These icky moments are the times when I'm forced to acknowledge I don't *know* myself. Becoming older, you learn to know your body very thoroughly. But your mind and its workings? Not so very much I would say. In fact I'm increasingly happy lately NOT to know. Let it stay Darkest Peru in there please, icky as it undoubtedly is.
Totally agree. I'm getting into the mind's business. It's weird. Kundera should have titled his novel "The Overwhelming Sense of Ickiness".